Tuesday, September 10, 2024


09/07/2024: Today, we took the train from Taipei to Tainan to begin the next part of the program. Tainan is famous for its food, so I'm really excited to try everything. The city is known for xiaochi, small plates that let you sample a variety of dishes. We also met the students from NCKU for the first time and exchanged information about our campuses and personal backgrounds. My mother's side of the family is from Thailand, so I immediately felt a connection with the two Thai students. It’s fascinating how simply being from the same place and sharing a culture can create such a bond. Since there aren’t as many Thai people living outside of Thailand compared to other nationalities, it fosters a special sense of connection. This connection goes beyond the surface—there’s a deeper cultural understanding, and even shared values. Even though only half of my family is from Thailand, I was raised with Thai culture and values, which makes this bond feel even stronger.
09/08/2024: Today was a free day, so I decided to make the most of it. I visited a nearby capybara café, where I got to pet some capybaras. These animals are super popular in Taiwan and other East Asian countries, so it was fun to finally see one up close. I’m curious about why their popularity has skyrocketed in recent years, given that they’ve been around for a long time and haven’t changed much. After the café, we headed to Shennong Street, known for its vintage stores and outdoor market. The vintage shops were interesting, though many featured American items, and one even had a large American flag on the wall. It made me wonder if, just as Japan and Korea are considered "cool" in the U.S., something similar is happening with American culture here. There were plenty of references to American pop culture, including a section filled with Rick and Morty figures. The market area had plenty of restaurants and food stalls, so I made sure to try something. I’ve noticed that the places with a crowd and a slightly "sketchy" look tend to have the best food, which is quite unlike how it is in the USA (besides the crowd). I still can't stop thinking about the boba I had at the Ningxia Night Market—it was leagues better than any boba I’ve had before. I tried some boba again today, but nothing has come close to that experience. The tapioca pearls at Ningxia were so fresh you could taste it. We got caught in a heavy rainstorm, which was interesting because the rain here is very different from what I’m used to back in the States. It falls much harder but stops after a relatively short time. I’ve noticed that people tend to clear the streets quickly, even when the rain doesn’t seem too bad at first, as that often means that heavy rains are about to come.
09/09/2024: Today we had a lecture on cultural differences, which I found really interesting. We discussed how culture has different levels, similar to an iceberg, with the obvious, taught aspects at the surface and the more subtle, implicit ones below. It makes a lot of sense when you think about it, but it’s not something we typically consider when discussing culture. It made me reflect on my own experiences. Growing up in a multicultural household and in a different cultural environment, my values and identity are a blend of all these influences. It’s fascinating how culture can merge in unique ways depending on your family and surroundings, especially when it comes to the deeper, less visible parts of culture. Later, we went to an indigo fabric dyeing workshop. The woman leading it was clearly a master of her craft, and it was an honor to learn from someone with so much experience. You could tell she’s spent years perfecting her skills, which says a lot about the cultural significance of this type of craft. The dyeing process was really fun, and I think my piece turned out great—though it doesn’t smell the best! Still, it’s really cool to look at.

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