Monday, September 16, 2024


 09/13/2024: Today we presented our early project concepts. While we were leaning towards using pomelo skin, we also had a few backup ideas in case it didn’t pan out. These included a chair attachment for holding bags, a bag with a recycled shoe sole from hotel slippers as the base, and a light display made from reused plastic bottles. The feedback we received was really helpful, and afterward, we brainstormed additional ways to work with the pomelo skin while refining our existing ideas into something more concrete.

Later, we decided to dive into experimenting with making paper from pomelo. We blended up some pomelo and created three different small sheets: one with both the pith and the peel, one with just the pith, and one combining the pith with ripped-up paper. I’ve never done this kind of self-guided experimentation before, and I really enjoyed it. The process itself, however, looked pretty gross, especially in the photos. To mix the shredded paper with the pith, we soaked the paper in water and broke it apart by hand, which was an unpleasant texture that’s now seared into my memory. In the end, we produced three sheets that we’ll leave to dry over the next few days. The sheet with the added paper seems the most promising—it’s drying well and feels the most like actual paper. The one with the peel seems a bit too watery, so I’m not too confident about that one, especially with its odd green color. We’ll let them dry and see how they turn out, but if needed, we might mix in some rice glue to give the material more structure. Even if this experiment doesn’t work, we still have our backup ideas to fall back on. I've had so much fun during this process — the thrill of experimentation, with completely unknown results, was exciting. We’re literally creating a new material, which is not something I ever expected to be doing.

09/14/2024: Today we took a boat trip through Taijiang National Park, and it was great! We got to see firsthand how they catch fish, which was something I hadn’t known much about before. We even had the chance to pull up some of the fishing nets and hold a small fish, which was pretty cool. The boat ride itself was relaxing, and I’ve always enjoyed visiting national parks—it’s amazing to witness what nature is capable of.

After, we visited Anping Old Street, a place steeped in history. Even though I’m not very familiar with the area’s background, it was fascinating to walk through such an old and lively market, situated on this small peninsula right next to the national park. It made me wonder what this area was like 300 years ago. This street has definitely been here for centuries, and I can’t help but think about how much has changed since then. As much as society progresses, our cultural roots evolve more slowly, retaining their traditional elements. Anping really got me reflecting on history and the people who have shaped who we are today. These thoughts deepened at the Anping Tree House, which was more like a house completely overtaken by trees rather than a tree house in the traditional sense. Even though the building is only 100 years old, the trees have overgrown it, transforming it into something almost unrecognizable to what it once was. It’s wild to think about how much can change in just a century.

09/15/2024: Today I was feeling really tired, so I decided to take it easy and enjoy some much-needed "me" time. I didn’t do much, but it was refreshing to just relax and recharge. I really appreciated having the break.

09/16/2024: Today we finally got to see the results of our paper experiment! As expected, the green one didn’t turn out well; it shriveled up and had holes in it. Surprisingly, the one mixed with paper developed some brown spots and has an odd smell, kind of like feet for some reason. The best result was the one made from just the pomelo pith; it actually has a papery texture, better colour, and doesn’t smell too bad. I’m really happy we were able to create something that resembles paper this closely. The only downside is that, because we blended it, it tears way too easily. We came up with an idea to improve its strength by brushing a layer of rice glue over the pith-only paper and letting it dry. It’s currently in my room, though I want to wait until we meet with the group to test its durability. We're also trying to mold it by wrapping it around a cup, to see if it can be shaped around objects. This will help us figure out what kinds of things we can create with it.

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Over the past few days, our focus has been mostly on the project. After discovering that the pomelo material could be molded around objects,...